1. Open xD
  2. Create a new artboard that is 500px by 500px
  3. Create a circle near the top left corner of the page, and make it a green color like the grass.
  4. Right below that circle, create a square, but make it to where it is overlapping the circle alittle on the bottom. Also make it a light, blue color.
  5. On top on the green circle and blue square, create a purple rectangle that is on top of both shapes on the left side but is long enough to where it comes out of both shapes.
  6. Next create a red circle, but bigger than the green circle. Place this circle at the tip on the bottom right side of the purple rectangle. Also make this a bright red color.
  7. On the left side of that circle, create another square, similarly in size to the blue square, but make it a navy blue. Also make the right edge of the square touching the red circle.
  8. Export as png
  9. Email image file to tgreen26@gmu.edu.
  10. Mine Sarah's